Knitter's Merch Package


We know you can find everything you need all by yourself, but sometimes it’s nice to snag a package and just be taken care of! Especially when you want to spend your time knitting instead of shopping or when you have someone special to spoil. This package price includes $104 worth of products, resulting in just over a 15% discount. This package is perfect for KO knitters who are lovin’ Katy Lin as much as she loves you.

In the style of your choice {while supplies last) included in the Knitter’s Merch package is a single item of each:

Note: Peruse the tank & tee listings to see what is available in your size here. Indicate your choice and size in the form after confirming that it is available.

Pin Choice:
Washi Tape:
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Atenti Zippered Faux Fur Pouch
Storage Tins
Stitch Stoppers by Comma Craft Co.
Large Stitch Marker & Notions Tin
Tulip Garden Scissors