why come to vermont

want to new-friend makers?

want to enjoy solitude? want to go on a trip with your crew?

you’ll find any & ALL of your retreat goals here

on the beautiful oq farm

in bridgeWATER, vermont, 10.3-10.7 2025


Is filled with possibilities and always Inspirational

this fall retreat is centered around the vermont sheep & wool festival.

when I am planning a retreat, I think about a few things in particular. First is the weather. let me be honest: although I love sweater weather…my “sweater weather” is probably at a significantly higher temp than yours. whether you lean hot or cold, this is a true medium temperature time of year to be in vermont. For southerners, you may enjoy a chill—northerners, maybe it’s sandal weather?

next, I think about what is going on around us. this retreat is 2 weeks from THE New york sheep and wool FEStival, however, I believe that it is vitally important to support local businesses. the nysw festival is lots of fun and I think I’ve only missed one out of the past 8-9 yeaRs. I truly loved teaching last yeAR (I hope I will be invited back), but they can only accept so mANY VENDORS. i’m so excited to visit new-to-me festival artists! this is exactly why i’m designing retreat patterns (a capsule collection) from dyers participating in the festival

then, I make sure that we have the opportunity to give back to the local community. Although I’ve taUGHT as the only instructor for many fabulous retreats, that is not the ko retreat experience. Instead, I teach along with a local artist or two, to highlight their practices and art forms during our retreat. this time, i’m particularly delighted to highlight artists showing their work at the vt sheep & wool festival.

oq farm, VermonT

stitchin’ vermont 2025: ko’s fall retreat