Chevv Video Series

love Chevv but don’t have all the techniques in your toolkit? no worries! this workshop provides detailed explanations & demonstrations for literally every technique included, from basic increasing and decreasing, through two handed colorwork & maintaining color dominance if working with a single hand in either english or continental style, to steeking and SO MUCh more! it is the ultimate colorwork workshop and you’ll be able to work at your own pace, skip sections you don’t need or rewatch those you do as many times as you want. this series does not include the chevv pattern itself, so be sure to purchase it prior to taking this class. Chevv & this workshop will be released on July 25. you’ll receive $8 off this course if you register before july 25!

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Meet your instructor


Meet your instructor 🧶


kate’s been a teacher since 2004, when she taught undergraduates at the University of florida. since then, she’s traveled extensively teaching a local yarn shops, retreats, conventions and other events. she loves teaching knitters who have chosen to attend class!