registration: august 7, 1pm edt 🐑

registration: august 7, 1pm edt 🐑


& beach

a midwinter getaway curated by kate oates
February 6-11, 2025
isle of palms, south carolina

putting this event together has me on a daily countdown

read on for your need-to-knows followed by the thorough Itinerary

my dream for my very first retreat was to create a luxurious, exclusive gathering with the perfect balance between relaxation & learning opportunities, outings & downtime with respect to each experience we share together here along the gorgeous coastline of south carolina. although I was not born into southern culture, this state has now been my home for more than 20 years and I can’t wait to introduce you to my favorite city. I hope that this itinerary is inviting & inspiring: join me to enjoy this midwinter beachfront experience in our mild climate! within our itinerary, there will be plenty of time to cozy up with your knitting, get to know one another and of course, hang out with your knitting bestie(s)—whether you happen to come with or make a friend or 10—but in addition to classes taught by yours truly, we will also explore historic Charleston, enjoy delicious meals and be treated to workshops from both myself & local artisans who have so much to share from history to technique. I want to make sure each and every one of my guests has an incredibly memorable long weekend with all of their needs taken care of, knowing how absolutely honored I am to have them along. each event is included in your retreat fee, but you are more than welcome to hang back anytime you’d like to sleep in, walk on the beach, knit by the pool or do whatever makes you happy.

beachin’ basics

before you arrive: 5-6 weeks prior to the retreat, each guest will be provided with recommendations for nearby groceries & activities, walkable lunch options, Charleston attractions & more. you’ll be able to virtually check out the area ahead of time in case you’d like to make a plan for your free time (or for planned time that isn’t your jam) either before you arrive or on the fly if you’re just not feelin’ a particular experience during your stay. you’ll also be provided with ko retreat-exclusive workshop deets so that you can be prepared for each class you choose to attend during the retreat. come to as many or as few classes as you wish.

stay comfy! this note just might be more for me than for you ☺️ but I really do mean it. when I planned our getaway, I made sure that you could wear absolutely anything you want for each and every experience. you are welcome to bring on your fancy, but even our fab downtown charleston dinner is at a private venue: you don’t have to feel any pressure to dress anything but cozy & casual throughout.

all retreat experiences are included in your fee. if something doesn’t pique your interest, you’re more than welcome to hang back or create your own adventure instead! see 👆🏽 there is no pressure on your time, just promise me you’ll relax and enjoy yourself each and every minute.

this page features the retreat schedule. dianne, sarah, corey & kristy are world-class creatives and I couldn’t be more excited to have their invaluable skillsets as a part of your south carolina experience. as for me, I thought long and hard of what workshops would be best for our beach backdrop. instead of my longer, intensive courses, i’ve created a series of 1.5-2 hour focused classes just for the retreat so that it’ll be easy for you to determine whether you’d rather be learnin’, beachin’ 🏝️ or simply sittin’ & knittin’. i’ve also curated our schedule so that you can enjoy lazy mornings as you wish, whether that’s sleeping in, knitting with coffee, enjoying the sunrise or looking for shark teeth.

eat well. charleston is a foodie town and we will be taking full advantage! our itinerary will give you deeper feels for the meals. your retreat fee includes all breakfasts/brunches, 4 suppers (Friday-monday, excluding only the supper on your way in on Thursday) along with plenty of snacks & non-alcoholic beverages. we will have 3 meals with “bevvies” (local terminology for mixed-drink treats 🍹) including from-scratch brunch bloody marys (Friday), mimosa monday & our retreat toast 🥂 later that evening. when you register for the retreat, you’ll have the opportunity to share any allergies, dietary restrictions or food preferences after you register, so that you don’t lose out on your space while you’re typing in those kinds of details and you will be accommodated for every retreat meal. lunches are on your own but as noted above, you’ll have plenty of guidance to find something just right for you whether you want to eat out or order in. there are so many incredible restaurants in the area that I decided to give my guests the freedom to choose what they are craving midday.

take care. i’m fully committed to providing my guests with royal treatment in every way possible. you deserve it. I’ve got a crewmember coming with me so that you’ll be able to get assistance with anything you require during the retreat, even if i’m teaching when something comes up. additionally, we will handle any & all clean-up. all we will ask is that you leave any dirty dishes in the kitchen area—everything else is on us, including check-out procedures. I genuinely want you to waltz in & out without a backwards glance. i’ll say it again: you deserve it.

come back now ya hear! this Is my first official retreat. honestly, I’m not sure why I haven’t done it until now! I’ve always loved hosting. we built our current home a few years ago with special attention to designing a welcoming space for family gatherings, kid’s pre-game team dinners, post-season parties & even my annual holiday cookie party. i’m so thrilled to be hostessing this experience and I hope it is the first of many. as a token of my appreciation for joining me on this inaugural event, all of my retreat guests will enjoy an early registration opportunity for future retreats.

without further ado

Here’s that schedule I keep talking about

  • Welcome to South Carolina! Retreat check-in begins at 5pm EST. Choose to pick up (or stop for) dinner as you make your way to the house or order in after arrival if you're ready to cozy on down. You might also decide to get settled first, then walk to one of the nearby restaurants. if you do choose to chow down in our retreat home, feel free to eat on the beach or poolside #highlyrecommended 🙃

    Upon check-in, you'll be ushered into your suite to inspect what's inside your retreat-exclusive tote, which i've already started filling. in addition to products you'll love, your goodie bag will also include the Retreat Patterns featuring Suburban Stitcher Yarns, which will have also been sent to you digitally at check-in time. Unpack, relax, take your first look at Suburban Stitcher & the Katy Lin Boutique, then grab your knitting to unwind in one of the many comfy common areas of the house. no one will fault you if you choose to take that beach walk now, either. Dianne aka Suburban Stitcher will be with us for the entire getaway so that you can shop for anything you are inspired to cast on while you're here. She's an absolute sweetheart and you'll enjoy getting to know her just as much as you will love her yarn.

    While it's technically not dinner, I will be providing delicious charcuterie for everyone to munch on and plan to set us up with a spread on the beach!

    if you aren't able to line up your travel for a 5pm arrival, no worries! i'll stay up all night waiting for you if need be. knowing that my guests will be coming in throughout the evening is exactly why there isn't a planned supper. Travel is stressful enough on its own: I don't want my guests to miss any "official" experiences should they encounter delays or simply need to travel later on thursday.

  • Enjoy your lazy Friday morning while our professional Chef is preparing an amazing Brunch to truly kick-off our getaway. My from-scratch Bloody Marys will be available to sip on before & throughout meal-time along with coffee, tea & juice options.

    As I keep mentioning, although your fee includes every experience, it's always your choice whether you'd like to participate or take extra down time. After our meal, you'll choose exactly how you want to spend your day. ko workshops will be scheduled throughout and you can take them all or simply luxuriate in our incredible beachfront home.

    After workshops are over, you'll enjoy a ko dinner! that's right, i'm cooking for y'all. As a mom of 4 boys, i pretty much live in the kitchen and thankfully I have always loved both cooking & baking. I can't wait to create some of my favorite dishes just for you.

  • Just as on Friday, you'll wake up on Saturday at whatever time you'd like, remain in your pj's or comfies & eat breakfast at our retreat home ❤️ by the way, saturday is my dad's birthday so at some point, those that are willing will join me on facetime to sing to him 🥳

    Late morning, local artist kristy bishop will come to us to teach a fabulous workshop on indigo dyeing, poolside! You'll be provided with several fabrics, including a silk scarf, to practice your new (or pre-existing) skills after kristy shares her techniques. she's also asked me to tell you that you are welcome to bring just about anything from home that you'd like to dye or overdye. you can even purchase an undyed skein from Suburban Stitcher at the retreat to play with during class. kristy's workshop will last approximately 3 hours.

    take the rest of the afternoon off, then on Saturday evening, Chef Sarah will be back! She'll be treating us to an incredible dinner from apps to dessert.

    have you walked on the beach yet?

  • After we've enjoyed our retreat home for a couple of days, we are hitting the city! Sunday is historic charleston day. Of course, don't forget that this is your retreat; if you'd rather stay on the beach, do it! Either way, I'm still not making you get up early to participate. We won't depart until 10:15am and nothing we are doing requires anything but comfy-casual attire. No one will even take a second glance if you chose to enjoy the day in your jammies 😉

    To make sure you're energized for our most active day, Mr. KO (my other half, Ryan) will be cooking what our family has affectionately termed "big breakfast" for everyone. He will have the aid of his college roomie, also a dear friend of mine, who just happens to live nearby. Ryan's grandfather taught him how to cook absolutely delicious & expansive breakfasts! The man hardly enters the kitchen all other times of the day but he is a breakfast champion. I can't wait to share this treat with you all and introduce you to my guy. Start expanding your tummies now.

    After you've eaten your fill, we will hit the road. It goes without saying but I'm saying it anyway, don't forget your knitting as we'll have 45ish minutes en route. Your transportation is provided and even guests who have driven to the retreat will just sit back and enjoy the ride. Of course, anyone with a vehicle is welcome to drive if preferred. You'll be able to leave anything that you don't want to cart around in our vehicles as they are private and will be locked up tight. We will not be returning to the vehicles until it's time to head back to our home-away-from-home, so just make sure you don't leave anything you'll need during the day behind. on that note, when you're packing for the retreat, be sure to include whatever type of bag will be most suitable for our day trip.

    We will begin our day in Chucktown with an hour-long boat ride on the harbor. After we are back on land, you'll have a few hours to grab lunch and explore the area(s) of Charleston that interest you most: there are endless options. Go shopping, visit museums, take a historical tour, hit the market, and on and on and on. You'll have my recs to help you determine how to make the most of your time.

    charleston is my second home and it is even where my husband proposed over 20 years ago: our 20th wedding anniversary is just a couple of weeks after the retreat itself. I could spend a full week with you downtown and there would still be lots to do, which is why you'll be getting your rec list well ahead of time so you can plan based on your own interests.

    Early evening, we'll regroup to dine at Poogan's Courtyard, the private venue for one of Charleston's well-known & beloved restaurants: Poogan's Porch. Your meal & non-alcoholic bevs are included in the retreat fee. in addition, there will be a bar available should you wish to purchase wine or cocktails. Despite Charleston's long list of incredible restaurant options, Poogan's was my first choice for us from the very beginning. I initially expected that we'd eat at the restaurant itself, but as soon as I learned about the private venue I knew it was where we belonged. We will enjoy a serene and relaxing environment away from any potential crowds and be thoroughly taken care of, precisely the experience I want you to have, especially after you've spent a few hours exploring.

    After our rejuvenating dinner, we'll take one more little adventure before calling it a night. I've taken many carriage rides in Charleston but there's one in particular that was the perfect nightcap & it will also be a first for me! Our after-dinner private carriage ride is a 45min Haunted Ghost Tour 👻

    Sunday is the only day we will be officially off-site and the Charleston experience I've planned will allow you to make the most of it! When I scheduled our day, I made sure that no one would need to be on their feet for hours at a time. If you follow me on socials or subscribe to my newsletter, you know that I have severe, chronic back pain from spinal fusions that are 25+ years old. I mention this only because I want you to know that I have taken great care to make this day as physically comfortable as possible, even if you have limitations as I do. The amount of walking you'll do will be completely up to you as it will only be during your free time. All of the planned events are seated. I just know you're going to fall in love with Charleston.

  • On our last full day together, we'll wake up with Monday Mimosas and stay on-site to bask in the glory of our beachfront retreat home once more. During the day you'll have the opportunity to jump in on more KO workshops, shop in-house from Dianne or my boutique or just knit amidst the gorgeous view and luxurious space.

    Come early evening, Corey Alston, a nationally renowned & incredibly accomplished 5th-generation weaver who has had his work displayed at the Smithsonian will be joining us to share the history of Sweetgrass Basket Weaving, a rare art found nowhere else in the United States. Sweetgrass art has been a significant part of Gullah Geechee Culture dating back to the days of enslavement. I am so honored that Corey is coming to us to share his passion and history. After his presentation, he will be teaching us how to use Sweetgrass to create a rose that you'll be able to take home with you: see what I did there? I managed to sneak 🌹 into my midwinter retreat. Roses are another obsession of mine for those who don't know! 🥰 Somehow, while Corey is both presenting & teaching (talk about multi-tasking), he'll also be preparing an incredible meal for us that honors his culture and history: it's called Frogmore Stew but I assure you, there are no frogs involved 😂 Down south we also call this dish Low Country Boil and it features shrimp, sausage, corn, potatoes, seasonings etc. As for all the retreat meals, we will make accommodations should this dish not work for you. We will toast to our retreat and to Corey during our dinner, champagne and/or prosecco will be provided to guests.

  • I won't send you on your way without sustenance: breakfast will be ready and waiting when you wake. Unfortunately, I can't offer a final lazy morning as checkout is at 9am. Even now, 6 months + ahead of time, I know that I'll always remember our getaway and treasure the experience & camaraderie we will build during our time together. I'm hoping you'll leave feeling relaxed, loved, encouraged and perhaps armed with a few new skills!