pricing & accommodations

the details you need to choose your retreat slot are right here

join me beachfront

in the perfect getaway home

beach KNITting

is idyllic in a south carolina midwinter

i’ve timed my first retreat during the short annual span in which knitting on the beach is truly enjoyable here in the south. temps are cool enough that our hands can create without getting sticky but not so cold that fingers freeze up. whether you’re curled up knitting in one of the dozens of cozy chairs inside our getaway home, stationed at the pool or on the beach right in your backyard, your view will be spectacular. if you’re anything like me, watching those waves crash into the sand is inexplicably relaxing. when i think about my favorite things to do, both knitting & being on the beach land nearif not atthe top of my list. bringing the pair together for stitch & beach has me !! so !! very !! excited!! this retreat is intended to bring you balance and spoil you rotten to eradicate any winter blues; I made sure to find the ideal set-up to enhance our stay. if you decide to put your needles down during the retreat, you’ll love being able to walk out the back door straight to the coastline, chat near the pool or explore the area without the heat that blankets much of the state for 8+ months each year.

the house

if someone had crawled into my brain to draw up plans for the quintessential beach getaway for knitters, they couldn’t have designed anything lovelier or more fitting than the home i’ve booked for us to spend our 5 nights together. each of my guests will be nestled into a fully updated oceanfront home located on isle of palms, sc. my vision for this retreat is to curate an inclusive community vibe with room for all of our exceptional personalities. whether you are energized by solitude or companionship, you’ll find it’s place here.

there’s something about shared spaces in a home that allows relationships to form and flourish, but with 6000 square feet inside, you will just as easily find a private nook anytime you’d like. there are three sizable living spaces with enough cozy seating for you and each of your projects to have their own spot. 😉 the spacious kitchen features multiple tables & bar-top seating; you will not be doing anything more than eating in that gorgeous kitchen, as your retreat meals will be both prepared and cleaned up for you. although the home boasts sleeping arrangements for 25, each of my guests will have their own bed, which is one reason why the number of retreat slots are so limited. a full bath is attached to each of the 10 bedrooms with additional half baths scattered around the shared spaces as well. i’ve already mentioned the pool and the beach, but there’s also a private walkway straight from our home to the sand. you’ll have to decide which of the three porch levels is your personal favorite after spending time on each one. these decks provide even more space & seating with that unbelievable view straight out into the ocean. you can look forward to being pampered amidst miles of ocean views: rejuvenation awaits.

the bedrooms

your bedRoom will be your personal haven throughout the retreat. pricing differences in the retreat fee are based on the size of the bed you reserve, the number of roomies you’ll have and the features of the room itself. the only difference in your retreat experience is where you choose to sleep. images of each bedroom and it’s attached bathroom are in the gallery below my descriptions. the remaining rooms available are below, although I have a waiting list form you can choose to join in case a registered guests has a change of plans and a slot to fill. available rooms are detailed below:

  • two triple occupancy room: traveling with a 3-person bunch or are an extrovert looking to connect? check out the digs in bedroom 3 & 5. the styling of this room happens to be one of my favorites. this room features an en suite bath & it is also budget-friendly. bedroom 5 is currently holding the remaining 2 retreat slots.
    guest feestop & bottom single bunks: $3200 | queen beds: sold out

  • Three single occupancy queen bedrooms with en suite baths: want full privacy? Bedrooms 2, 4 & 6 are where it’s at.
    guest fee sold out

  • three double occupancy rooms with attached baths: staying with a buddy or looking to make a new friend? bedrooms 1, 8 & 10 are your top choices.

    • bedroom 1 features a queen and full sized bed with en suite, private bath.
      guest feessold out

    • bedroom 8 features a king sized bed and a queen sized pull-out (which will absolutely be made up for you before you arrive) with an en suite, private bath.
      guest feessold out

    • bedroom 10 features 2 single beds and a jack & jill bathroom shared between the this room and the room where my two of my special retreat guests are staying! this room is also on the very top floor of the house which will provide bonus-quiet, as no one will be walking above you. the floor itself includes only two bedrooms & their shared bath.
      guest fees sold out

  • Three single occupancy queen bedrooms with en suite baths: want full privacy? Bedrooms 2, 4 & 6 are where it’s at.
    guest fee sold out

scroll through the gallery below

to view each gorgeous bedroom

      images are live, clickable links to the registration page        

our weather

our climate is very mild with temps averaging in the 50’s throughout february. averages are just that and we have plenty of days that hit 70 degrees or even warmer throughout our entire winter season. if i get my way, we will have a mix of sweater weather & warmer days during our retreat so you can enjoy the best of both worlds, as I do on the regular. it’s 100% standard ‘round these parts to need a sweater one day and only short sleeves the next! you’ll want to check the forecast before you pack but our lowcountry weather is categorized as subtropical.

your travel

i’ll provide each of my guests with the retreat address after registration so that you can plan your travel precisely. isle of palms is a fairly small town so for general estimates starting from the airport you choose to fly into or where your drive begins, just put the town center into your map app. for those flying in, charleston international airport (cha). is just 21 miles away and getting to the house should take somewhere between 30-45 minutes depending on the traffic and time of day. if you do plan to arrive close to our 5pm weekday check-in, most likely you’ll be looking at the longer estimate. cha is a small, easy to navigate airport that i’ve flown in and out myself as sometimes it beats my own airport for pricing and options. alternate airports include columbia (cae) which is just shy of 2 hours away & augusta (ags) at approximately 3 hours out. if you are willing to drive a bit further, the larger airport in range is charlotte (clt) which will likely tack on 20 minutes in comparison to augusta regional.

when you receive my recommendation lists leading up to the retreat, there will also be grocery recommendations located near our retreat home. i’ll be stocking the house with plenty of snacks, coffee, tea, water and other assorted beverages and there will be eats-for-all, no matter what dietary restrictions you share with me after you’ve registered. however, if you have anything in particular that you want on hand, or wish to stop for alcoholic beverages on your way in, don’t forget to incorporate your stop(s) into your total travel time. if you are able to arrive earlier in the day, I suggest using my downtown charleston recommendations to spend even more time there! if you prefer to make your way to isle of palms right off the bat so that you’re close to the retreat home before traffic gets heavy, isle of palms has a great planning page as well: view it here. visit a spa, go shopping or check out the pier! there will be plenty of options to spend your time prior to check-in. please note: we will not be able to accommodate any early check-ins as we only have a short window to get the house set up for you.